New on Demand Episodes 5/7/24
Check out the most recent episodes now on-demand from The Virtual Shift, Health UnaBASHEd, Healthcare de Jure, The Tate Chronicles, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes now on-demand from The Virtual Shift, Health UnaBASHEd, Healthcare de Jure, The Tate Chronicles, and PopHealth Week.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from The Virtual Shift, Health UnaBASHEd, This Just In, Harlow on Healthcare, Healthcare de Jure, News You Can Use, and PopHealth Week.
The thought leaders in our community are good about sharing their thoughts on the issues of today. Here are the top read and shared guest posts of March that we think deserve sharing again.
Don’t miss the top three most played episodes on our SoundCloud channel in the month of March including two of our popular podcasts and one of our radio shows. Combined these three episodes have over 877 plays!
That’s a wrap for Healthcare NOW Radio at HIMSS24 and their Podcast Row. Stay tuned as we start airing all the terrific content our hosts and shows have recorded over the week. And check out the week in posts and pictures.
NOW on demand, Health Unabashed episode with hosts Gil Bashe and Gregg Masters invite David B. Klein, the Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Click Therapeutics, a company that specializes in developing and commercializing software as prescription medical treatments for patients with unmet medical needs.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Healthcare de Jure, This Just In, Health UnaBASHEd, Conversations on Health Care, News You Can Use, and PopHealth Week.
NOW on demand, Health Unabashed episode with guest Dr. Rafael Grossmann, a surgeon, educator, speaker, advocate, futurist, and digital health pioneer. They discuss Dr. Grossman’s history and work as a renowned surgeon and teacher implementing technologies in new ways to improve lives from the operating room.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from The Scope with Health UnaBASHEd, Healthcare de Jure, PopHealth Week, and Conversations on Health Care.
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from The Scope with Dr. K, 1st Talk Compliance, Healthcare de Jure, This Just In, Health UnaBASHEd and News You Can Use.
Don’t miss the top three most played episodes on our SoundCloud channel in the month of January including two of our popular podcasts and one of our radio shows. Combined these three episodes have over 900 plays!
Check out the most recent episodes added to our SoundCloud channel from Healthcare de Jure, This Just In, The Tate Chronicles, and Health UnaBASHEd.
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