MGMA Moments
Listen to HITECH Answers’ Jim Tate, Roberta Mullin, and Carol Flagg interviews at MGMA 12 Annual Conference in San Antonio, TX. Reporting from the conference, you will hear keynote speakers, attendees, vendors, and exhibitors all talking about EHR adoptions and meaningful use.
Dr. Allen Korn from BCBSA talks about educating patients on engagement of their health.
Dr. Jeremy Lazarus, President of AMA say the ACA is possibly the last best chance for innovation.
What’s a best practice tip from an administrator that has implemented an EHR and attested to MU?
What are MU reporting and attestation challenges we are seeing in the field? Ben Ellis of SA Ignite
Jonathan Bush, CEO of athenahealth
Dr. Tana Goering, CMO Pulse Systems
CEO Kamal Hashmat from CureMD
CCHIT discusses their new resources.
Scott Everson, VP of PracticeMax
LDM Group and their ScriptGuide product.
Executive VP Sales, Mike DeMuth from e-MDs
Meg Watson from Success EHS
Trip Hale from Blue Ridge X-Ray
CEO Udayan Mandavia from iPatient Care
Shawn Torkelson from Stage 7 Systems
Dave Cunningham from RadNet
gloStream support and services for MU
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