Healthcare NOW Radio Studio Interviews – Booth 6836
As the anchor for HIMSS Radio & Podcast Row, our studio line-up of interviews will be a who’s who of thought leaders from companies exhibiting or attending this year’s conference. Interviews will air on Healthcare NOW Radio, go on demand and be released in our podcast network. Additionally, the podcast will be included in our HIMSS 25 playlist and the video of the interview included in our HIMSS 25 YouTube playlist.
Deliverables for radio interviews include:
- Inclusion in interview lineup pre-promoted in a HIMSS 2025 marketing blitz, including dedicated articles, email campaigns, and social media engagement.
- Interview in our studio with on of our radio show hosts
- Your company exhibit and conference activities are included in published articles and social media
- Post-conference, the episode airs on Healthcare NOW Radio; then goes on demand and is released and distributed on our podcast channel
- Episode will also be included and promoted on the HIMSS 2025 podcast playlist including in a dedicated email to our 30K subscribers
- Both the audio and the video will be uploaded to our YouTube channel for sharing and social
- Readership of articles on promoting your booth/attendance/activities and participation in our Healthcare NOW Radio studio line-up: 5,000 collective views
- Social media promotion of your booth/attendance and interview on LinkedIn: Included in 10 posts and re-shared by our radio hosts and our group (collectively 100K followers)
- Promotion in 6 email campaigns promoting the studio line-up to 30K subscribers
- Post HIMSS conference:1,600 Listeners to the radio episode that will air for 2 weeks
- Post HIMSS conference: 500 Plays of podcast created from the episode
Engage with us to boost your HIMSS 2025 presence and increase exposure for your company and leaders! To learn more, please complete the form below and our team will get back in touch.